Indian School is an immersive solo theatrical production by Timothy White Eagle and co-created and written by Seattle’s theater-maker Hatlo. , exploring the intricate themes of cultural displacement, identity, and the enduring impact of historical injustices on Indigenous communities. The performance delves into the profound journey of White Eagle's own lineage, including his grandfather's harrowing experience of forced removal to the Phoenix Indian School—a deeply personal reflection of the dark chapter in American history marked by the systematic erasure of Native American culture. White Eagle's personal odyssey of grappling with his dual identity, having been adopted into a white family, adds layers of complexity to the narrative, highlighting the intergenerational trauma and resilience prevalent among Indigenous peoples. Enhanced by White Eagle's unique storytelling prowess and complemented by striking theatrical visuals and advanced spatial audio, Indian School offers a transformative exploration of storytelling, historical reflection, and contemporary ritual art theatre.

The collaboration was directed and written by dramaturg HATLO and includes original music by Olivia Komahcheet, live sound design by Crystal Cortez, video projection by DB Amorin, scenic design by Juniper Shuey, and lighting by Geoff Korf, with support from professor emeritus John Kendall Wilson. Indian School ultimately celebrates the healing power of storytelling and ritual in community.

Indian School was developed through the Guild Hall William P. Rayner Artist-in-Residence program, with generous funding from The MAP Fund, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Howard Gilman Foundation, and the Mellon Foundation. Additionally, the artist received support from 4Culture’s Arc Artist Fellowship, Seattle Office of Arts and Culture’s Hope Corps and City Artist grants, and the charitable support of John Robinson.

Indian School, by Timothy White Eagle, Presented by On the Boards, November 14, 15, & 16, 2024.